Tom Burtch San Francisco, CA 23 Jun 2010 |
Wayne was a member of and composer/arranger for the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus from March, 1993 until May, 1995 for a total of 5 concert seasons. His compositions can be heard on the SFGMC CD "Our Gay Apparel." He last sang as a member of the Bass section. The Chorus refers to these members who are no longer able to sing with the group as members of the "Fifth Section." They are listed Chorus programs and on the group's website: https://www.sfgmc.org/about_fifth.shtml |
Carol Lemke-Potter Pasadena, CA 14 Dec 2024 |
Wayne, tonight I was entertaining myself by looking through various Instagram sites and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus popped up, singing a rendition in honor of those members (41, I think) who’d passed away over the years. I’m not sure of the date of this performance, but I’m sure you were represented by one of the singers who turned his back to the audience to represent you “in absentia.” As one thing often leads to another, I did an Internet search and found your San Francisco obituary online. You were such a talented person and so full of life. I miss you Wayne. PS I went to your Pasadena memorial and there was a quartet from the LA Gay Men’s Chorus there to sing for you. At the end, we all joined in, organ and all, singing the “Hallelujah Chorus.” I think you would have liked that! |
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