Coombs, William SWIMMMM
4 Mar 1993
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04 Mar 1993
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Stuart McDonald
Salt Lake City, UT
22 Feb 2012
I met William Coombs when he was on the softball team for THE BEAR -- a bar on Castro street -- with my lover Lavoy. Although small, he was cute and wiry -- and had a swimmers build. Maybe that's where he got his nickname. William and Lavoy became good friends and spent quite a bit of time together. They later played together on a gay football team, calling themselves The Trojans, against a San Francisco Police team. They both volunteered for different AIDS service organizations. After Lavoy was diagnosed with full-blown AIDS in late December 1986, he would at times go to William's home to be away from me for awhile. William showed great concern and friendship for Lavoy. Lavoy died on May 7, 1988. In July 1989, I moved back to my hometown of Salt Lake City. In 1992, I visited San Francisco and was invited over for a drink with William and his partner Richard. I remember they made me a gin martini, but my ride was in a hurry to leave, so I didn't get to visit with William and Richard for more than about 10 minutes. Yet they were great hosts. It was the last time I ever saw or spoke to William. Then I heard from Richard that he had died on February 23, 1993. It was very sad. I hope you and Lavoy are happy, playing softball, football and bowling in heaven, and are surrounded by love and loved ones. I guess I'll join you both there soon enough.
Stuart McDonald
Salt Lake City, UT
23 Feb 2014
It's been 21 years, William. I'll never forget you.
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