Weinand, Robert C Bob
12 Mar 1992 |
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12 Mar 1992 |
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Stuart McDonald Salt Lake City, UT 1 Mar 2012 |
It's been 20 years since you died, Robert. I am very grateful for having known you. All those special occasions at Jim and Ernie's place in the 1980's. Are you still playing raquetball somewhere? I'll see you soon enough. |
Stuart McDonald United States 3 Mar 2014 |
AIDS Memorial Quilt (The Names Project) panel that includes one for Robert: http://www.aidsquilttouch.org/panels/03148-1/73100 |
Tom Burtch San Francisco, CA 28 Jun 2010 |
Robert was a member of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus from April, 1982 until March, 1992 for a total of 30 concert seasons. He sang as a member of the First Tenor section. Robert left a wonderful legacy to the Chorus in the form if a restricted access fund to be used to cover the large performance bonds required to reserve the larger concert halls, such as Davies Symphony Hall and the Herbst Theatre. Although he was too ill to participate in the first recording of the group under director Stan Hill, he provided the singers with food and drink during the marathon two day recording session. I think fondly of him often. The Chorus refers to these members who are no longer able to sing with the group as members of the "Fifth Section." They are listed Chorus programs and on the group's website: https://www.sfgmc.org/about_fifth.shtml |
Stuart McDonald Salt Lake City, UT 3 Mar 2014 |
Robert died 22 years ago yesterday: 3/2/1992. When I met Robert, he was renting a room from the then Director of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, Ernie Veniegas, and his lover Jim Annis -- then an active duty officer in the US Navy -- at a home at the very top of one of San Francisco's famous hills.. Also renting a room from them was my friend Bob Shedd. They were all friends with the love of my life Kirby Lavoy Thompson (everyone called him Lavoy and he predeceased Robert on 5/7/1988) and all (except Jim Annis) were actively involved in the Chorus. Robert was a great guy. Wish you all could have known him: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=541025905919326&l=de1a24063d |
Peter Franzi Oakland 15 Jan 2010 |
Seeing Jim recently brought me back to all those years together at SGFGMC, of your smiling face, your encouraging words, your zest for life. I miss you, Robert. |
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