Sofia, Vincent Jr
16 Mar 1989
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16 Mar 1989
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Coachella Valley, CA
31 Mar 2012
Hi Vince! Here we are so far along now. I still think of you often and all the fun we had at your and Dick's apartment. (And Bella too!) You really opened my eyes and helped me to see at a very difficult time in my life. I still cry at all the pain you went through in those final months. Oh my dear Vince, how strong you were. Your friend forever, Timmers
John Mehring
San Francisco
20 Apr 2011
I was a co-worker of Vince's at CPMC.
Gael Belden
Ojai, Ca
15 Feb 2025
I thoroughly adored you Vinnie. You made me laugh, you gave me Your Song by Elton John, as mine. Polk Street with Cary, Dannie, and Michael. The insane government has taken the Trans and Questioning out of LGBTQ at the Stonewall monument in NY. Everyone died after you. From AIDS. Michael Fox, maybe the last one. But, from COPD. Dannie got to walk Dawn up the aisle, and I still have that big flyer a zillion years later that you all made for me when I left for SF. I miss all of you. Such times we had! A straight blonde gal, me, and all of her gay friends. Love you, Vinnie.
Tom Burtch
San Francisco, CA
28 Jun 2010
Vince was a member of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus from April, 1979 until November, 1979 for a total of 3 concert seasons. He last sang as a member of the First Tenor section. The Chorus refers to these members who are no longer able to sing with the group as members of the "Fifth Section." They are listed Chorus programs and on the group's website:
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