Arnett, Chuck
10 Mar 1988
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10 Mar 1988
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John Mehring
San Francisco
19 May 2013
Chuck Arnett was in the famous June 26, 1964 Life magazine group picture that served as the beginning of the article, Homosexuality in America. The picture was taken in The Tool Box, a SOMA leather bar at the corner of 4th and Harrison. The Tool Box was open from 1962-1971. The bar (and the Life photograph) contained Arnett's iconic mural of a group of leathermen. For more of this history, consult social historians Gayle Rubin and Jack Fritscher, among others.
Dave Cooper
Roermond, The Netherlands
18 Dec 2010
Chuck was part of my life from the time I moved to San Francisco from the East Bay in 1974. He was pivotal in my clique of friends and lovers. And of course his was an icon in more ways than one. I saw him frequently about town, but especially South of Market, at the Slot and the Ambush. I visited him at his various apartments he had all over the City. The last we saw of Chuck was on the streetcar island on Market Street near Church (across from the Church Street Station). He was weak and worn, but he was uplifted to see Erik and I. His comments were poignant about the changing times and the new post-AIDS generation that was leading the way forward. Today I am always reminded of Chuck from my many fond memories, but also because of the brilliant pieces of his work that I am lucky to have as treasured possessions. Thank you Chuck for all the good times ... thanks for documenting those wild and sultry nights and early South of the Slot mornings ... and you were right, by the way ... about the new generation.
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