Steven Throndson Minneapolis, MN 29 Sep 2013 |
I did not know Bobbi, but in learning about his life I have come to admire his courage and passion in the fight against AIDS and homophobia. Bobbi was one of the first individuals anywhere to speak publicly about having AIDS. He called himself the AIDS poster boy, and helped bring national attention to the epidemic during the early years when there was so much fear and ignorance. Thank you, Bobbi. We will never forget you. |
Mia Maddison Charlotte N.C 14 Mar 2017 |
I tested positive at age 20 just 1.5 yrs after I came out to family and friends. The year was 1998. My generation was scared of HIV therefore they would be scared of me. I didn't realize then how far science had come in regards to HIV drug regimens. Im still here and I can't help but write a Thank You to Bobbie Campbell for fighting relentlessly for the country to give attention to AIDS. Maybe if he hadn't been alive to do that the effective meds would have come out later then they did. Maybe I would have died. So Thank You Bobbie Campbell I look forward to looking into your eyes one day. Mia Maddison |
Rhonda Montana 29 Nov 2017 |
And a fine poster boy you were, Bobbi. You made the world better just by being in it, and I'm sure you're making heaven more fabulous now. |
Lisa Savannah 28 Jan 2015 |
I learned so much about this illness from his work for the gay community. He will remain an important part of history and his work will forever be remembered! Happy Birthday in Heaven Bobbi!! |
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